Improves the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings to provide safe places to live, work, shop and visit
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As a police organisation working alongside the Police Service in the UK, we seek to achieve sustainable reductions in crime through design and other approaches to reduce the demand on police forces and help people live in a safer society.
SBD was created in 1989 following the housing boom of the 1960s-1980s when there was a huge and urgent demand for housing. Estates were built quickly and often cheaply without any basic security. Burglars found externally glazed windows and doors relatively easy to enter as all they had to do in many cases was lift out the double-glazing and climb through the frame. In the wider built environment, sky walkways and subways incorporated into many large estates were designed to keep apart pedestrians and the rapidly growing number of vehicles. However, this created a haven for criminal activities where escape routes were everywhere and anonymity was absolute. In response, the Police Service set up SBD to combat the significant rise in burglary.